- Chairman: Dr. Pallab Kumar Das
- Number of C-I-C Members: 5
- No. of Wards: 35
- Present Area: 49.25sq. km.
- Present approximate Population (census 2011):
Men : 2,25,000
Women: 2,05,000
Children: 40,000
Total : 4,70,000
- No. of Holdings: 1,00,638
- Total tax collection of per year:
Rs. 2,06,46.000
- Daily garbage collection from door-to-door: 50,000 houses
- Daily garbage collection from door-to-door: 50,000 houses
- Total Road:
- Black top: 550.44 km.
- Jhama & bats: 304.92 km.
- Bricks & Concrete: 150.72 km.
- Kancha: 394.00 km.
- Sewerage & Drainage:
- Khal: 10.02 k.m.
- Surface drain: 295.39 k.m.
- Kancha: 284.00 k.m.
- Underground drain: 102.84 km.
- Pipeline of drinking water: 135.5 K.M.
- Stand Post: 886 nos.
- Hand Tubewell: 2,200 nos.
- Deep Tubewell: 22 nos.
- Street Light: 19,500 nos.
- Sodium Vapour Lamp: 2,514 nos.
- Cultural Centre: 1no(another 1(one)) is going on
- Park: 62 nos.
- Sports Complex: 1 no.
- Municipal Market: 4 nos.
- Private Mjor Market: 10 nos.
- Backward Region: 127 nos.
- Health Administrative Unit: 5 nos.
- Health Sub Centre: 34 nos.
- Maternity Home: 1 no.
- Regional Diagnostic centre: 1 no.
- Extended Specialist Out Patient Department: 2 nos.
- Health Staff: 270 nos.(included 170 honorary Health Worker)
- Self Help Group: 732 nos.
- Neighbour Hood Group: 420 nos.
- Govt. Primary School: 77 nos.
- Govt. Junior High: 3 nos.
- Govt. Madhyamik School: 11 nos.
- Govt. Higher Secondary School: 20 nos.
- Govt. College: 1 no.
- Continuing Education Centre: 10 nos.
- Head Office: 1 no.
- Local Office: 5 nos.
- Ward Office: 35 nos.
- Approval Post: 191 nos.
- Permanent Staff: 141 nos.(as on 30.11.10)