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Issuing License

Trade license

Procedure to get the Certificate of enlistment Procedure of Renewal Whom to contact & where Time Required In problem whom to contact & where
  1. Application in prescribed form is to be submitted at local office along with requisite documents as per Municipal Act, 1993 under section 118.
  2. Scrutiny is done by the official personnel of respective local office.
  3. The file is sent from local office to the Executive Officer at Head office.
  4. Approval is done if the application as well as documentation is free from any discrepancy.
  5. Fees to be deposited as per Government approved chart.
  6. License to be issued from local office.
Same as above. Executive Officer, Head office (Contact no. – 9051532007, 2477-9245, Ext.: 302) 7-10 working days Chairman /E.O., Head office

Non-Residential Licence

Licence to be obtained for the use of premises for non-residential purpose under section 201,201(2) of the West Bengal Municipal Act, 1993. Terms and Conditions as per Schedule II.

Procedure to get the Non-Residential Licence Whom to contact & where Time Required
  1. Application form (free of cost) distributed from Sanitory Department, Harinavi Office and all Municipal Local Offices.
  2. Papers to be enclosed : Photocopy of,
    1. Up-to-date Tax receipt
    2. Rent receipt (Current letter of owner (s) of the premises
    3. Balance Sheet (Last Financial Year)
    4. Old Licence , if any
    5. Drug Licence (if necessary)
    6. Certificate from W.B. Pollution Control Board (if necessary)
    7. Fire Licence Certificate (if necessary)
    8. Permission from C.M.O.H. (if necessary)
    9. Bio Medical Waste Clearance Certificate (if necessary)
  3. Application form is to be submitted to the Sanitary Inspector, Harinavi office.
  4. Fee shall not exceed five hundred rupees per month in respect of any premises.
  5. In case of closing of the business, the concerned Municipal Licensing Authority should be informed immediately.

Sri Prasanta Sinha Roy (S.I.) , Head Office (Contact no.: 9432915659)

7 working days

Food Licence

Licence to be obtained under Prevention of food Adulteration Act, 1950.

Procedure to get the Food Licence Whom to contact & where Time Required
  1. Application form (free of cost) distributed from Sanitory Department, Harinavi Office and all Municipal Local Offices.
  2. Papers to be enclosed : Photocopy of,
    1. Application form [Form-1, Rule – 8(1)] distributed  from Sanitary Dept, Harinavi office.
    2. Papers to be enclosed: Photocopy of,
      1. Up-to-date Tax receipt
      2. Rent receipt (Current letter of owner (s) of the premises
      3. Old Licence , if any
      4. Fire Licence & clearance from WBPCB (if necessary)
    3. Application form is to be submitted to the Sanitary Inspector (designed as well Food Inspector), Harinavi office.
    4. Fees taken as per The Calcutta Gazette published by the Govt of West Bengal, Dept of Health & Family Welfare, P.H.P. Branch vide Notification No. HF/O/PHP/73/3F-8/97 dated 13.02.1998.
    5. In case of any problem in respect of certificate or closing of the business , the Sanitary Inspector should be informed immediately.
  3. Application form is to be submitted to the Sanitary Inspector, Harinavi office.
  4. Fee shall not exceed five hundred rupees per month in respect of any premises.
  5. In case of closing of the business, the concerned Municipal Licensing Authority should be informed immediately.
Sanitary Inspector, Head Office Immediately after verification of documents.