Procedure of sanctioning a building plan :
- Submission of application form in prescribed format along with one copy of site plan and building plan at local office.
- Non-technical and technical checking of documents is done at local office.
- Site inspection from local office.
- Sanction of site plan.
- Documents with remarks (if required) are sent to head office.
- Non-technical and technical checking of documents and plans are done at head office.
- Sanctioning of plan.
- Residential building up to 8m height => Direct sanction
- Residential building with relaxation => Sanction through Chairman of rule and small Commercial building
- Commercial building => Sanction through Building Sub-committee Meeting
- Submission of 4 nos. checked / corrected building plan at head office and deposition of requisite sanction fees by owner.
- Official formalities in head office.
- Approved building plans are returned back to local office.
- Collection of approved building plan from local office by owner.
Documents to be submitted:
- Photocopy of current Assessment paper.
- Photocopy of current Tax receipt.
- Photocopy of Deed paper.
- Photocopy of Parcha.
- Photocopy of License of EBA / EBS.
- One copy Site plan drawing.
- One copy Building plan drawing.
Following items are also to be submitted in case of building height more than 10m;
- Soil test report.
- Photocopy of License of ESE and GE.
Sanction fees and validity period of an approved building plan:
- Sanction fees depends upon various factors which lead the fees to be calculated with different rate slabs. All newly approved building plans have an initial validity period of 3 years.
- First renewal: First renewal of plan is necessary when the building is not constructed within 3 years from the date of approval of the plan. 1/4th of the sanction fees along with the approved building plans are to be submitted at head office for first renewal that valid for next 2 years.
- Second renewal: Second renewal of plan is necessary when the building is not constructed within 5 years from the date of approval of the plan. In that case the same procedure of new building plan sanctioning is to be followed again. Application form in prescribed format along with previous approved copies of building plan and sanction fees (that was deposited initially for new sanctioning) are required be deposited for approval. This is valid for next 5 years.
Whom to contact & where:
Engineer-in-charge of local office
Time required:
This is depending upon type of buildings, correctness of drawing, related legal matters etc. Approximate time frame is as follows,
Minimum time – 30 days
Maximum time – 90 days
In problem whom to contact & where:
- Engineer-in-charge of local office
- Sri Rajib Mukherjee (Assistant Engineer), Head office